AEJMC Resolutions
- 2024 AEJMC Year
- 2023 AEJMC Year
- 2022 AEJMC Year
- 2013 AEJMC Year
- 2011 Conference, St. Louis, MO
- 2010 Conference, Denver, CO
- 2008 Convention, Chicago, IL
- 2007 Convention, Washington, DC
- 2006 Convention, San Francisco, CA
- 2004 Convention, Toronto, Canada
- 2003 Convention, Kansas City, MO
- 1997 Convention, Chicago, IL
- 1995 Convention, Washington, DC
How an AEJMC Resolution is Passed
Any AEJMC member can propose a resolution, and each year the Resolutions Committee of the Professional Freedom and Responsibility Committee shepherds resolutions submitted by AEJMC members or divisions and interest groups to the floor of the business meeting.
What are resolutions?
Resolutions allow AEJMC members to speak with a collective voice. They are statements on topics, issues or concerns related to our professional freedom and responsibility mission. The statements go beyond just articulating a problem or concern. Every resolution should end with at least one or two action steps that the membership is calling on others to take or that be taken within our organization. Attached is an example of how a typical resolution Is formatted.
Why do we have resolutions in AEJMC?
This is part of our responsibility to the mass media professions we represent. More than a resolve to act individually like many people make at the beginning of a new year, an organization’s resolution is a concrete statement of where we stand collectively. Often a resolution taken collectively can be used by us individually to speak out on an issue or to advocate on a matter of great importance.
How do I submit a resolution for consideration?
Your proposed resolution is submitted first to the Elected Standing Committee on Professional Freedom and Responsibility (PF&R). This group of AEJMC members whom you elected Is empowered to vet and craft resolutions to be sent forward for further discussion by the AEJMC Board of Directors and then the full AEJMC membership.
Where do I submit a resolution?
All resolutions may be submitted to the AEJMC resolutions chair. The e-mail with the resolutions should be sent to AEJMC. Questions about the process can be directed to this year’s resolutions chair.
Who’s involved in the resolutions process?
In addition to the PF&R Elected Standing Committee, the Board of Directors will consider all resolutions and then every member has an opportunity to voice opinions/concerns about a resolution before it is voted on by the membership.
When must I submit a resolution for consideration?
All resolutions should be submitted to the PF&R Committee by no later than June 1. This allows ample time for initial review and then presentation of the resolutions to the AEJMC membership at our annual conference in August.
What makes a good and likely successful proposed resolution?
- Have a clear idea of what you want to see done and how to do it.
- Make sure that your proposal is based on facts.
- Gather feedback from your peers prior to submittal.
- Provide context for your proposal.
- Consider opposition and shape your proposal accordingly.
- Be clear and direct.
View an example here.