Small Programs 2019 Abstracts

Effects of Developmental Communicative Feedback • Malena Price, Ball State University; YoungAh Lee • This study sought to bridge the gap between job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and intentions to endorse an organization for home-based employees in order to provide insights that can lead to optimal effectiveness of this population. This study discovered that developmental communicative feedback impacts each of these outcomes, but the results did not differ between groups. Additionally, this study discovered that home-based employees were particularly influenced when their supervisors were willing to receive feedback themselves.

Students’ Perception of the Classroom Environment: Comparison between Innovative and Traditional Classrooms • Chang Wan Woo, James Madison University; Lori Britt; Toni Whitfield, James Madison University; Tim Ball • As more advanced classroom technologies are developed, more institutions in higher education are building innovative classrooms. Previous studies have focused on students’ academic performances in innovative classrooms, but few have looked at the perceptions of students. After conducting a survey and focus group studies, we found that students in an innovative classroom were more satisfied with the classroom environment and perceived that the classroom was more appropriate for their courses.

< 2019 Abstracts

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