Advertising Division
The AEJMC Advertising Division invites submissions of original papers that clearly focus on some aspect of advertising or advertising education. Various theoretical orientations and methodological approaches are welcome. Individual paper submissions should not exceed 30 pages (including all notes, references, tables, and figures) and should be submitted to only one competitive paper category in the Advertising Division: 1) Advertising Research, 2) Advertising Teaching, 3) Professional Freedom & Responsibility, 4) Special Topics, or 5) Student Papers. Papers exceeding 30 pages, or papers submitted to more than one paper competition within the division, will not be reviewed for consideration. In 2013, the Advertising Division would like to encourage submissions to the PF&R competition of papers dealing with all aspects of professional competencies and development within the advertising industry.
Research Papers: Submissions should be consistent with the style and format of Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly or the Journal of Advertising. For questions, please contact Karen Mallia, Research Paper Chair, University of South Carolina. E-mail: . Tel: (803) 777-1154.
Teaching Papers: Teaching papers are invited on any research that addresses teaching: innovations, effective approaches, pedagogy, survey of the field, adoption of new technologies in the classroom, etc. However, keep in mind this competition is for research papers on teaching, rather than teaching tips or personal reflections. The style and format of the paper should conform to those in the Journal of Advertising Education or Journalism & Mass Communication Educator. Papers submitted to the teaching competition will be considered for review by the Journal of Advertising Education. For questions, please contact Troy Elias, Teaching Paper Chair, University of Florida. E-mail: . Tel: (352) 392-5059.
Professional Freedom & Responsibility (PF&R) Papers: Often referred to as the conscience of AEJMC, the goal of PF&R papers is to extend knowledge about and understanding of gender, race, ethics, social, and cultural influences; values; and free expression. Submissions may take the form of traditional research papers, but essays or critical analyses are also welcome. Historical as well as contemporary topics are appropriate. Often papers submitted to the research and teaching competitions would nicely fit into the PF&R category as well. This year the Ad Division had just one paper submission in the PF&R category. We’d like to see more! Examples of advertising topics related to the PF&R mission could include papers about food and tobacco advertising which address ethical issues; and minority representations in advertising content as well as participation in the advertising business, which ties into the racial, gender, and cultural inclusiveness mission of PF&R. For questions, please contact Heidi Hennink-Kaminski, PF&R Paper Chair, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. E-mail: . Tel: (919 962.2555).
Special Topics Papers: The special topics paper competition is a place for pioneering subjects, methods, and presentations. New approaches, innovation, and creativity are encouraged. A variety of advertising and advertising education topics are welcome. For example, we live in times of unprecedented technological innovation. This technological revolution has created new platforms for the communication of brand messages; it has accelerated the globalization of brands and audience segments; it has changed the way people consume media and the way consumers interact with one another; and it has changed the way we teach and do research in advertising. Papers which focus on the challenges posed by these recent transformations to the practice of advertising are especially welcome. We also welcome exploratory and qualitative approaches, such as case histories, ethnographies, critical studies, visual essays, and methodologically innovative research on more traditional topics. Empirical research, critical reviews and conceptual pieces can be submitted. Submissions must be full papers (no abstracts or extended abstracts). To be considered, the papers should be maximum 30 pages in length (double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman or equivalent font, including tables and references) and should conform to the Chicago or APA style. If you have any questions regarding the fit of your paper with this competition, or any other inquiries, please contact George Anghelcev, Special Topics Paper Chair, Penn State University. E-mail: . Tel: (814) 865-4354.
Student Papers: Graduate and undergraduate students are invited to submit original research dealing with any advertising-related topic. All sole- or co-authors of these papers must be students; papers co-authored by students and faculty should be submitted to the Research Paper competition. The style and format of the paper should conform to those in Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly or the Journal of Advertising. A cash award from the division and an additional award ($200) sponsored by the International Journal of Advertising will be given during the Washington conference to the top student paper. For questions, please contact Sela Sar, Student Paper Chair, Iowa State University. E-mail: . Tel: (515) 294-0503.