Journalism Quarterly Index-Typography and Design

Volumes 61 to 70
1984 to 1993
Subject Index: Typography and Design

Attention to Magazine Ads as Function of Layout Design (Leonard N. Reid, Herbert Rotfeld and James H. Barnes), 61:439-41.

The Effects of Display Format and Data Density on Time Spent Reading Statistics in Text, Tables and Graphs (James D. Kelly), 70:140-49.

Front Pages of U.S. Daily Newspapers (Sandra H. Utt and Steve Pasternak), 61:879-84.

Maker and Viewer Disagreement in Aesthetics of Visual Composition (Douglas C. Covert), 64:133-36.

Novelty vs. Practicality in Advertising Typography (Sandra Ernst Moriarty), 61:188-90.

Reader Response to Color Halftones and Spot Color in Newspaper Design (Robert H. Bohle and Mario R. Garcia), 64:731-39.

A Search for the Optimum Line Length (Sandra Ernst Moriarty), 63:337-40.

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