Journalism Quarterly Index-Government and Mass Communication

Volumes 61 to 70
1984 to 1993
Subject Index: Government and Mass Communication

An Analysis of Government Cost Estimates of Freedom of Information Act Compliance (John Ullmann and Karen List), 62:465-73.

Assessing FCC Response to Report of Children’s Television Task Force (Michael A. McGregor), 63:481-87, 502.

Federal Preemption of Obscenity Law Applied to Cable Television (William E. Hanks and Stephen E. Coran), 63:43-47.

Limitations on the State as Editor in State-Owned Broadcast Stations (William Hanks and Lemuel Schofield), 63:797-801.

Patterns of State Intervention in Western Press Economics (Robert G. Picard), 62:3-9, 30.


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