Journalism Quarterly Index-Content Analysis

Volumes 61 to 70
1984 to 1993
Subject Index: Content Analysis

Advertising in Taiwan Newspapers Since the Lifting of the Bans (Yun-Ju Lay and John C. Schweitzer), 67:201-206.

African-American Photo Coverage in Life, Newsweek and Time, 1937-1988 (Paul Lester and Ron Smith), 67:128-36.

Aggresive Cue Prominence and Gender Participation in MTV (Pamela Kalis and Kimberly A. Neuendorf), 66:148-54.

AIDS in International News Magazines (Anette Grube and Karin Boehme-Duerr), 65:686-89.

Alternative Newspapers and Mobilizing Information (Douglas W. Stanfield and James B. Lemert), 64:604-07.

Alternatives to Newspaper Advertising, 1890-1920: Printers’ Innovative Product and Message Designs (Claire Badaracco), 67:1042-1050.

American Newsmagazine Coverage of the Supreme Court, 1978-81 (J. Douglas Tarpley), 61:801-04.

An Analysis of Japanese Television Commercials (Jyotika Ramaprasad and Kazumi Hasegawa), 67:1025-1033.

Arab vs. Israeli News Coverage in the New York Times, 1976 and 1984 (Deborah Barranco and Leonard Shyles), 65:178-81.

Buying from a Friend: A Content Analysis of Two Teleshopping Programs (Philip J. Auter and Roy L. Moore), 70:425-36.

Campaign Coverage by Local TV News in Columbus, Ohio 1978-1986 (David H. Ostroff and Karin Sandell), 66:114-20.

Censoring (‘Editing’) the Comics (Gregg Phifer and Thomas R. King), 63:174-77.

Changes in Editorials: A Study of Three Newspapers, 1955-1985 (Ernest C. Hynds), 67:302-312.

Changes in the International Focus of U.S. Business Magazines, 1964-1988 (Charles Mayo and Yorgo Pasadeos), 68:509-514.

The Changing Nature of Foreign Affairs: ‘The Most Influential Periodical in Print’ (Thomas J. Price), 63:155-60, 187.

ChildrenÕs Television Programming and the “Free Market Solution” (Dennis D. Kerkman, Dale Kunkel, Aletha C. Huston and Marites F. Pinon), 67:147-56.

Civil Rights Vanguard in the Deep South: Newspaper Portrayal of Fannie Lou Hamer, 1964-1


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