Journalism Quarterly Index-Advertising

Volumes 61 to 70
1984 to 1993
Subject Index: Advertising

Advertisements by Banks Before, During and After a Collapse (Cynthia De Riemer and Richard L. Baxter), 63:630-33.

Advertising and Commercial Speech Since the 1986 Posadas Case (Roxanne Hovland and Ronald E. Taylor), 67:1083-1089.

Advertising Practitioners Look at a Ban on Tobacco Advertising (John H. Crowley and James Pokrywczynski), 68:329-37.

Advertising’s Role in the Diffusion of Country-Western Trend in the U.S. (Gerald A. Schorin and Bruce G. Vanden Bergh), 62:515-22.

Alternatives to Newspaper Advertising, 1890-1920: Printers’ Innovative Product and Message Designs (Claire Badaracco), 67:1042-1050.

An Analysis of Japanese Television Commercials (Jyotika Ramaprasad and Kazumi Hasegawa), 67:1025-1033.

Army Advertising’s Perceived Influence: Some Preliminary Findings (William H. Harkey, Leonard N. Reid and Karen Whitehill King), 65:719-25.

An Assessment of the Cloze Procedure as an Advertising Copy Test (George Zinkhan and Edward Blair), 61:404-08.

Attention to Magazine Ads as Function of Layout Design (Leonard N. Reid, Herbert J. Rotfeld and James H. Barnes), 61:439-41.

Attributional Bias in Predictions of Retail Advertising, Content Preferences (Ann Marie Major), 67:826-37.

Baiting Viewers: Violence and Sex in Television Program Advertisements (Lawrence C. Solely and Leonard N. Reid), 62:105-10, 131.

Buying From A Friend: A Content Analysis of Two Teleshopping Programs (Philip J. Auter and Roy L. Moore), 70:425-36.

Changes in Stereotypes: Blacks and Whites in Magazine Advertisements (George M. Zinkhan, Keith K. Cox and Jae W. Hong), 63:568-72.

Channel One in High School Classrooms: Advertising Content Aimed at Students (K. Tim Wulfemeyer and Barbara Mueller), 69:724-42.

CLIO Commercials from 1975-1985: Analysis of 151 Executional Variables (Alice Gagnard and Jim R. Morris), 65:859-68.

Color Quality in Print Advertising (Anthony F. McGann and David Snook-Luther), 70:934-38.

Comparing Positive and Negative Political Advertising on Radio (Michael A. Shapiro and Robert H. Rieger), 69:135-45.

A Comparison of Cultural Values in British and American Print Advertising: A Study of Magazines (Katherine Toland Frith and David Wesson), 68:216-23.

Consumer Response to Seagram’s Equivalency TV Ad Campaign (Lauren Tucker, Roxanne Hovland and Gary Wilcox), 64:834-38.

Consumer Response to a TV Liquor Spot (Gary B. Wilcox, Roxanne Hovland and Dwight Fletcher), 65:195-96.

A Content Analysis of Visuals Used in Print Media Advertising (Sandra Moriarty), 64:550-54.

Contractual Offers in Advertising (George E. Stevens), 67:32-34.

Copywriting and the Prose of Hemingway (Florence G. Feasley), 62:121-26.

The Cross Elasticity of Demand for National Newspaper Advertising (John C. Busterna), 64:346-51.

Dimensional Relationships of Memory: Implications for Print Advertisers (Victor V. Cordell and George M. Zinkhan), 66:954-59.

An Editorial Comment (Donald L. Shaw), 68:325.

Effect of Cable Television on Advertiser and Consumer Spending on Mass Media, 1978-1990 (Jack Glascock), 70:509-17.

Effects of Attractiveness of the Endorser on the Performance of Testimonial Ads (Gary B. Wilcox, John H. Murphy and Peter S. Sheldon), 62:548-52.

Elements of Timing and Repetition in Award-Winning TV Commercials (Alice Gagnard), 66:965-69.

Facial Expressions in Magazines Ads: A Cross-CulturaI Comparison (Jae Hyun Choe, Gary B. Wilcox and Andrew P. Hardy), 63:122-26, 166.

Farm Journalists and Advertiser Influence: Pressures on Ethical Standards (Robert G. Hays and Ann E. Reisner), 68:172-78.

Feeling the Heat from Advertisers: Farm Magazine Writers and Ethical Pressures (Robert G. Hays and Ann E. Reisner), 67:936-42.

Female Roles in Radio Advertising (Gary Warren Melton and Gilbert L. Fowler, Jr.), 64:145-49.

Female Stereotyping in Advertising: An Experiment on Male-Female Perceptions of Leadership (William E. Kilbourne), 67:25-31.

Females and Minorities in TV Ads in 1987 Saturday ChildrenÕs Programs (Daniel Riffe, Helen Goldson, Kelly Saxton, and Yang-Chou Yu), 66:129-36.

Feminism and Advertising in Traditional and Non-Traditional Women’s Magazines (Linda J. Busby and Greg Leichty), 70:247-64.

Financial Services Advertising Before and After Crash of 1927 (Stephen E. Everett), 65:920-24.

Game Time, Soap Time and Prime Time TV Ads: Treatment of Women in Sunday Football and Rest-of-Week Advertising (Daniel Riffe, Patricia C. Place, and Charles M. Mayo), 70:437-46.

How Valuable to an Advertiser Are Secondary Audiences? (John C. Schweitzer), 63:752-56, 853.

Humor and Comparatives in Ads for High and Low-Involvement Products (Bob T.W. Wu, Kenneth E. Crocker, and Martha Rogers), 66:653-61.

Humorous Advertising in the Post, 1920-1939 (Gary B. Wilcox and Sandra E. Moriarty), 61:436-39.

The Information Content of Comparative Magazine Ads: A Longitudinal Study (Linly Chou, George R. Franke and Gary B. Wilcox), 64:119-24.

Informational Content of American and Japanese Television Commercials (Jyotika Ramaprasad and Kazumi Hasegawa), 69:612-22.

Is Bigger Better In Yellow Pages Ads? (Dennis Hinde and Gary Scofield), 61:185-87.

Measuring Recognition and Attraction in Corporate Advertising Trademarks (Frank Thayer), 65:439-42.

Methods of Presentation Used in Clio-Winning Television Commercials (Leonard N. Reid, W. Ronald Lane, Leila S. Wenthe and Otto W. Smith), 62:553-58, 691.

National Advertising Pricing: Chain vs. Independent Newspapers (John C. Busterna), 65:307-12.

Novelty vs. Practicality in Advertising Typography (Sandra Ernst Moriarty), 61:188-90.

Perceived Informativeness of and Irritation with Local Advertising (Yorgo Pasadeos), 67:35-39.

Policy Issues and Personal Images in Political Advertising in State Election (Margaret K. Latimer), 61:776-84.

Political Advertising for Federal and State Election: Images or Substance? (Margaret K. Latimer), 62:861-68.

Pricing of Advertising in Weeklies: A Replication (Stephen Lacy and Stephen Dravis), 68:338-44.

Product-Related Programming and Children’s TV: A Content Analysis (B. Carol Eaton and Joseph R. Dominick), 68:67-75.

Reactions to Political Advertising: Clarifying Sponsor Effects (Gina M. Garramone and Sandra J. Smith), 61:771-75.

Readability as a Factor in Magazine Ad Copy Recall (David A. Wesson), 66:715-718.

Receiver Prejudice and Model Ethnicity: Impact on Advertising Effectiveness (Hsiu-chen Sandra Lai, Zoe Tan and Marye Tharp), 67:794-803.

Recent and Future Economic Status of U.S. Newspapers (Jon G. Udell), 67:331-39.

Representation, Roles, and Occupational Status of Black Models in Television Advertisements (Jane W. Licata and Abhijit Biswas), 70:868-82.

Sex in Ads Targeted to Black and White Readers (James V. Pokrywczynski), 65:756-60.

Sound Advice on Brand Names (Bruce G. Vanden Bergh, Janay Collins, Myrna Schultz and Keith Adler), 61:835-40.

Suspension of the NAB Code and Its Effect on Regulation of Advertising (Lynda M. Maddox and Eric J. Zanot), 61:125-30, 156.

Taxing Newspaper Advertising Supplements: A Study of State Trends (Greg Stefaniak), 67:21-24.

Third-Person Effects and the Differential Impact in Negative Political Advertising (Jeremy Cohen and Robert G. Davis), 68:680-88.

Trends in Factual Claims in Ads in Magazines, 1958, 1968 and 1978 (Dan Sarel), 6l:650-54, 743.

The Use of Blacks in Magazine and Television Advertising: 1946-1986 (George M. Zinkhan, William J. Qualls and Abhijit Biswas), 67:547-49.

Use of Endorsers in Magazine Advertisements (Patricia A. Stout and Young Sook Moon), 67:536-46.

Use of Linguistic Characteristics with Various Brand-Name Styles (Bruce G. Vanden Bergh, Keith E. Adler and Lauren Oliver), 65:464-68.

The Use of Nostalgia in Television Advertising: A Content Analysis (Lynette S. Unger, Diane M. McConocha and John A. Faier), 68:345-53.

Viewer Reactions to Music in Television Commercials (Patricia A. Stout, John D. Leckenby and Sidney Hecker), 67:887-98.

Voter Responses to Negative Political Ads (Gina M. Garramone), 61:250-59.

When the Newspaper Closes: A Case Study of What Advertisers Do (Mary Alice Sentman), 63:757-62.


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