Author Index M, 71-80
J&MC Quarterly Index Vol. 71-80 • 1994 to 2003
MADDEX, BRETT D. (See Tewksbury).
MAIER, SCOTT R., Numeracy in the Newsroom: A Case Study of Mathematical Competence and Confidence, 80:4, 921-936.
MAIER, SCOTT R. (See Curtin).
MAJOR, ANN M. and L. ERWIN ATWOOD, Changes in Media Credibility When a Predicted Disaster Doesn’t Happen, 74:4, 797-813.
MAJOR, ANN MARIE, Correlates of Accuracy and Inaccuracy in the Perception of the Climate of Opinion for Four Environmental Issues, 77:2, 223-242.
MALINKINA, OLGA V. and DOUGLAS M. MCLEOD, From Afghanistan to Chechnya: News Coverage by Izvestia and the New York Times, 77:1, 37-49.
MARTIN, BRENNON (See Stamm and Johnson).
MARTIN, HUGH (See Lacy).
MARTIN, HUGH J., Measuring Newspaper Profits: Developing a Standard of Comparison, 75:3, 500-517.
MARTINELLI, KATHLEEN A. and STEVEN H. CHAFFEE, Measuring New-Voter Learning Via Three Channels of Political Information, 72:1, 18-32.
MARTON, KRISZTINA and LOWNDES F. STEPHENS, The New York Times’ Conformity to AAPOR Standards of Disclosure for the Reporting of Public Opinion Polls, 78:3, 484-502.
MASON, LAURIE, Newspaper as Repeater: An Experiment on Defamation and Third-Person Effect, 72:3, 610-620.
MASSEY, BRIAN L., Civic Journalism and Nonelite Sourcing: Making Routine Newswork of Community Connectedness, 75:2, 394-407.
MASSEY, BRIAN L. and MARK R. LEVY, Interactivity, Online Journalism, and English-Language Web Newspapers in Asia, 76:1, 138-151.
MASSEY, BRIAN L. and TANNI HAAS, Does Making Journalism More Public Make a Difference? A Critical Review of Evaluative Research on Public Journalism, 79:3, 559-586.
MASTIN, TERESA, Media Use and Civic Participation in the African-American Population: Exploring Participation among Professionals and Nonprofessionals, 77:1, 115-127.
MASTIN, TERESA (See Andsager).
MASTRO, DANA E. (See Tamborini).
MATERA, FRANCES R. (See Salwen).
MATTHEWS, MARTHA N., How Public Ownership Affects Publisher Autonomy, 73:2, 342-353.
MAXWELL, KIMBERLY A., JOHN HUXFORD, CATHERINE BORUM, and ROBERT HORNIK, Covering Domestic Violence: How the O.J. Simpson Case Shaped Reporting of Domestic Violence in the News Media, 77:2, 258-272.
MAYER, VICKI, From Segmented to Fragmented: Latino Media in San Antonio, Texas, 78:2, 291-306.
MCALISTER, ALFRED, WAYNE JOHNSON, CAROLYN GUENTHER-GREY, MARTIN FISHBEIN, DONNA HIGGINS, KEVIN O’REILLY, and the AIDS COMMUNITY DEMONSTRATION PROJECTS, Behavioral Journalism for HIV Prevention: Community Newsletters Influence Risk-Related Attitudes and Behavior, 77:1, 143-159.
MCCABE, JOCELYN A. (See Carter).
MCCOMBS, MAXWELL, JUAN PABLO LLAMAS, ESTEBAN LOPEZ-ESCOBAR, and FEDERICO REY, Candidate Images in Spanish Elections: Second-Level Agenda-Setting Effects, 74:4, 703-717.
MCCOMBS, MAXWELL E. (See Poindexter).
MCDEVITT, MICHAEL, BOB M. GASSAWAY, and FRANK G. PÉREZ, The Making and Unmaking of Civic Journalists: Influences of Professional Socialization, 79:1, 87-100.
MCKEAN, MICHAEL L. (See Leshner).
MCKINNON, LORI MELTON, LYNDA LEE KAID, JANET MURPHY, and CYNTHIA K. ACREE, Policing Political Ads: An Analysis of Five Leading Newspapers’ Responses to 1992 Political Advertisements, 73:1, 66-76.
MCLEOD, DOUGLAS M., WILLIAM P. EVELAND, JR., and NANCY SIGNORIELLI, Conflict and Public Opinion: Rallying Effects of the Persian Gulf War, 71:1, 20-31.
MCLEOD, DOUGLAS M. and ELIZABETH M. PERSE, Direct and Indirect Effects of Socioeconomic Status on Public Affairs Knowledge, 71:2, 433-442.
MCLEOD, DOUGLAS M. and JILL A. MACKENZIE, Print Media and Public Reaction to the Controversy over NEA Funding for Robert Mapplethorpe’s “The Perfect Moment” Exhibit, 75:2, 278-291.
MCLEOD, DOUGLAS M. (See Malinkina).
MCLEOD, JACK M., ZHONGSHI GUO, KATIE DAILY, CATHERINE A. STEELE, HUIPING HUANG, EDWARD HOROWITZ, and HUAILIN CHEN, The Impact of Traditional and Nontraditional Media Forms in the 1992 Presidential Election, 73:2, 401-416.
MCLEOD, JACK M. (See Eveland).
MCMILLAN, SALLY J., The Microscope and the Moving Target: The Challenge of Applying Content Analysis to the World Wide Web, 77:1, 80-98.
MCSHANE, STEVEN L., Occupational, Gender, and Geographic Representation of Information Sources in U.S. and Canadian Business Magazines, 72:1, 190-204.
MERSKIN, DEBRA L. and MARA HUBERLIE, Companionship in the Classifieds: The Adoption of Personal Advertisements by Daily Newspapers, 73:1, 219-229.
METZGER, MIRIAM J., When No News Is Good News: Inferring Closure for News Issues, 77:4, 760-787.
METZGER, MIRIAM J. (See Flanagin).
MICHENER, ARTHUR (See Johnstone).
MIDDLESTADT, SUSAN E. and KEVIN G. BARNHURST, The Influence of Layout on the Perceived Tone of News Articles, 76:2, 264-276.
MILLER, M. MARK, JULIE L. ANDSAGER, and BONNIE P. RIECHERT, Framing the Candidates in Presidential Primaries: Issues and Images in Press Releases and News Coverage, 75:2, 312-324.
MILLER, PHYLLIS and RANDY MILLER, The Invisible Woman: Female Sports Journalists in the Workplace, 72:4, 883-889.
MILLER, RANDY E. and WAYNE WANTA, Race as a Variable in Agenda Setting, 73:4, 913-925.
MILLER, RANDY (See Miller, Phyllis).
MIN, YOUNG, Intertwining of Campaign News and Advertising: The Content and Electoral Effects of Newspaper Ad Watches, 79:4, 927-944.
MINDICH, DAVID T. Z., The Future of the Internet: A Historical Perspective, 75:1, 7-8.
MIZUNO, TAKEYA, The Creation of the “Free” Press in Japanese-American Camps: The War Relocation Authority’s Planning and Making of the Camp Newspaper Policy, 78:3, 503-518.
MIZUNO, TAKEYA, Government Suppression of the Japanese Language in World War II Assembly Camps, 80:4, 849-865.
MOLITOR, FRED (See Sapolsky).
MORGAN, SUSAN (See Reichert).
MORI, MOTOMI (See Corbett).
MORIARTY, SANDRA E. and SHU-LING EVERETT, Commercial Breaks: A Viewing Behavior Study, 71:2, 346-355.
MOY, PATRICIA and DIETRAM A. SCHEUFELE, Media Effects on Political and Social Trust, 77:4, 744-759.
MOY, PATRICIA, DAVID DOMKE, and KEITH STAMM, The Spiral of Silence and Public Opinion on Affirmative Action, 78:1, 7-25.
MOY, PATRICIA, KELLEY MCCOY, MEG SPRATT, and MICHAEL R. MCCLUSKEY, Media Effects on Public Opinion about a Newspaper Strike, 80:2, 391-409.
MUELLER, JAMES E. (See Reichert).
MULLEN, LAWRENCE J. (See Rothenbuhler).
MURPHY, JANET (See McKinnon).
MURPHY, KEVIN (See Slater).
MURRAY, MICHAEL D., Alistair Cooke: America’s Unconventional Press Critic, 72:1, 158-167.
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