Author Index I-J, 71-80

J&MC Quarterly Index Vol. 71-80 • 1994 to 2003


IOSIFIDES, PETROS, Diversity versus Concentration in the Deregulated Mass Media Domain, 76:1, 152-162.

ISOM, PAUL, EDWARD JOHNSON, JAMES MCCOLLUM, and DOLF ZILLMANN, Perception of Interviewees with Less-Than-Perfect English: Implications for Newspaper Citations, 72:4, 874-882.


JACKSON, SALLY, DANIEL J. O’KEEFE, and DALE E. BRASHERS, The Messages Replication Factor: Methods Tailored to Messages as Objects of Study, 71:4, 984-996.

JEFFRES, LEO W. (See Lin).

JENSEN, ROBERT, Journalists and the Overtime Provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act, 73:2, 417-426.



JOHNSON, MELISSA A., Predicting News Flow from Mexico, 74:2, 315-330.

JOHNSON, MICHELLE (See Stamm and Martin).


JOHNSON, SUSAN (See Serini).

JOHNSON, THOMAS J. and WAYNE WANTA, with TIMOTHY BOUDREAU, JANET BLANK-LIBRA, KILLIAN SCHAFFER, and SALLY TURNER, Influence Dealers: A Path Analysis Model of Agenda Building during Richard Nixon’s War on Drugs, 73:1, 181-194.

JOHNSON, THOMAS J. and TIMOTHY BOUDREAU, with CHRIS GLOWAKI, Turning the Spotlight Inward: How Five Leading News Organizations Covered the Media in the 1992 Presidential Election, 73:3, 657-671.

JOHNSON, THOMAS J. and BARBARA K. KAYE, Cruising Is Believing?: Comparing Internet and Traditional Sources on Media Credibility Measures, 75:2, 325-340.

JOHNSON, THOMAS J., MAHMOUD A. M. BRAIMA, and JAYANTHI SOTHIRAJAH, Doing the Traditional Media Sidestep: Comparing the Effects of the Internet and Other Nontraditional Media with Traditional Media in the 1996 Presidential Campaign, 76:1, 99-123.

JOHNSON, THOMAS J. and BARBARA K. KAYE, Using Is Believing: The Influence of Reliance on the Credibility of Online Political Information among Politically Interested Internet Users, 77:4, 865-879.

JOHNSON, THOMAS J. and BARBARA K. KAYE, Webelievability: A Path Model Examining How Convenience and Reliance Predict Online Credibility, 79:3, 619-642.

JOHNSON, WAYNE (See McAlister).

JOHNSTON, ANNE and ANNE BARTON WHITE, Communication Styles and Female Candidates: A Study of the Political Advertising during the 1986 Senate Elections, 71:2, 321-329.

JOHNSTONE, JOHN W. C., DARNELL F. HAWKINS, and ARTHUR MICHENER, Homicide Reporting in Chicago Dailies, 71:4, 860-872.

JOLLIFFE, LEE and TERRI CATLETT, Women Editors at the “Seven Sisters” Magazines, 1965-1985: Did They Make a Difference?, 71:4, 800-808.

JONES, JENNIFER (See Tewksbury).

JONES, STEVE, Unlicensed Broadcasting: Content and Conformity, 71:2, 395-402.

JU-PAK, KUEN-HEE (See Cameron).

JUNG, JAEMIN, How Magazines Covered Media Companies’ Mergers: The Case of the Evolution of Time Inc., 79:3, 681-696.

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