Author Index A, 71-80
J&MC Quarterly Index Vol. 71-80 • 1994 to 2003
ABELMAN, ROBERT, News on “The 700 Club”: The Cycle of Religious Activism, 71:4, 887-892.
ABERNATHY-LEAR, GLORIA, African Americans’ Criticisms Concerning African American Representations on Daytime Serials, 71:4, 830-839.
ABRAHAMSON, DAVID, The Visible Hand: Money, Markets, and Media Evolution, 75:1, 14-18.
ACREE, CYNTHIA K. (See McKinnon).
ADAMS, EDWARD E., Chain Growth and Merger Waves: A Macroeconomic Historical Perspective on Press Consolidation, 72:2, 376-389.
ADAMS, EDWARD E., Secret Combinations and Collusive Agreements: The Scripps Newspaper Empire and the Early Roots of Joint Operating Agreements, 73:1, 195-205.
ADAMS, EDWARD E. and GERALD J. BALDASTY, Syndicated Service Dependence and a Lack of Commitment to Localism: Scripps Newspapers and Market Subordination, 78:3, 519-532.
ADAMS, EDWARD E., Collusion and Price Fixing in the American Newspaper Industry: Market Preservation Trends, 1890-1910, 79:2, 416-426.
ADAMS, WILLIAM J., Scheduling Practices Based on Audience Flow: What Are the Effects on New Program Success?, 74:4, 839-858.
ADER, CHRISTINE R., A Longitudinal Study of Agenda Setting for the Issue of Environmental Pollution, 72:2, 300-311.
AKHAVAN-MAJID, ROYA and TIMOTHY BOUDREAU, Chain Ownership, Organizational Size, and Editorial Role Perceptions, 72:4, 863-873.
AL-MAKATY, SAFRAN S., DOUGLAS A. BOYD, and G. NORMAN VAN TUBERGEN, Source Credibility during the Gulf War: A Q-Study of Rural and Urban Saudi Arabian Citizens, 71:1, 55-63.
ALBÆK, ERIK, PETER MUNK CHRISTIANSEN, and LISE TOGEBY, Experts in the Mass Media: Researchers as Sources in Danish Daily Newspapers, 1961-2001, 80:4, 937-948.
ALTHAUS, SCOTT L. (See Tewksbury).
ANDERSON, WILLIAM B., Does the Cheerleading Ever Stop? Major League Baseball and Sports Journalism, 78:2, 355-382.
ANDSAGER, JULIE L. and ANGELA POWERS, Social or Economic Concerns: How News and Women‘s Magazines Framed Breast Cancer in the 1990s, 76:3, 531-550.
ANDSAGER, JULIE L., How Interest Groups Attempt to Shape Public Opinion with Competing News Frames, 77:3, 577-592.
ANDSAGER, JULIE L. and TERESA MASTIN, Racial and Regional Differences in Readers’ Evaluations of the Credibility of Political Columnists by Race and Sex, 80:1, 57-72.
ANDSAGER, JULIE L. (See Miller).
ANDSAGER, JULIE L. (See Powers).
ARPAN, LAURA M. and ARTHUR A. RANEY, An Experimental Investigation of News Source and the Hostile Media Effect, 80:2, 265-281.
ASHLEY, LAURA and BETH OLSON, Constructing Reality: Print Media’s Framing of the Women’s Movement, 1966 to 1986, 75:2, 263-277.
ATWOOD, L. ERWIN, Illusions of Media Power: The Third-Person Effect, 71:2, 269-281.
ATWOOD, L. ERWIN (See Major).
AUFDERHEIDE, PATRICIA, Controversy and the Newspaper’s Public: The Case of Tongues Untied, 71:3, 499-508.
AUST, CHARLES F. and DOLF ZILLMANN, Effects of Victim Exemplification in Television News on Viewer Perception of Social Issues, 73:4, 787-803.
AUSTIN, ERICA WEINTRAUB and QINGWEN DONG, Source v. Content Effects on Judgments of News Believability, 71:4, 973-983.
AVERY, ROBERT K. (See Stavitsky).
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