Resolution Two 2011
Resolution Two to the General AEJMC Membership: To Recognize and Honor Lillian Coleman, JMC Quarterly and JMC Educator Production Manager, for her 25 Years of Service to AEJMC.
Lillian started full-time work with AEJMC in September 1986.
Whereas, her proofreading skill, attention to detail and keen eye have enhanced the quality of both JMC Quarterly and JMC Educator for many years;
Whereas, Lillian’s even disposition and helpful attitude working with authors and scholars through the years have made publishing with our journals a pleasant experience;
Whereas, in recognition of the importance of Lillian’s tireless service to the Association, and in recognition of the valuable contributions she has made to the members both formally and informally;
Therefore, be it resolved that:
The members of Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication
(AEJMC) formally recognize and congratulate Lillian Coleman for her extraordinary and dedicated service these past 25 years.